The heaviest hit! ST IDES is now in liquid form, and it’s more potent than ever! Don’t let the size fool you. Each 4oz bottle now packs 100MG of THC. -- Let’s be real - we know most shots out there don’t taste great. That’s where ST IDES comes through with 3 different flavor varieties: Strawberry Lemonade, Blue Razz, and Watermelon. -- ST IDES shots work quicker than an average edible and allow for the most efficient absorption into your system thanks to our emulsion technology, powered by Vertosa. Flavorful, clean, and with no powerful or bitter aftertaste. -- - “Reach for that ST IDES!” Available in single bottles (4oz)
This product can expose you to chemicals including β-myrcene
and cannabis smoke, which are known to the State of
California to cause cancer, and chemicals including cannabis
smoke and 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which are known to the
State of California to cause birth defects or other
reproductive harm.