New Year, New You (in High Resolution)

By Celia Lopez

Well, we made it 2023 and 'tis the season for new beginnings. Let's not make this month a one-hitter. 

Here are some helpful ways to stick with resolutions and keep your buzz mellow!

Runner's High

We've all seen it happen: January arrives and suddenly all the treadmills are taken at the gym, pilates specials fill our email inboxes, and our wintertime preservation instincts kick in along with an obsession to amplify an exercise-induced endorphin rush. 

How can we ensure an exercise routine sticks? Lucky us, cannabis may be just the thing to take your exercise routines from routine to exhilarating.

In one study, adults who utilized cannabis prior to exercise reported increased body awareness which enabled them to better focus on the physical task at hand, making their workouts more thorough and more gratifying in the long run. 

And those distracting muscle aches and pains? Cannabis may provide enough relief to help decrease anticipatory dread of the after-workout burn. 

We recommend a few drops of Yummi Karma's Cloud Nine tincture to help ease out unwanted, pesky thoughts and center the bodily experience during and after a sweaty workout.

A Mindful Sesh

The new year can feel like a breath of fresh air and a perfect time to prioritize finding moments of calm even in the most turbulent of circumstances. 

Research has shown that consumption of high THC and high CBD cannabis products can immediately support a reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression. Paired with meditation, which can have lasting positive impact on anxiety and bolster cardiovascular health, cannabis may be the missing piece of your mindfulness puzzle!

Why not get all puff, puff, om with West Coast Cure's London Pound Cake preroll? The exquisite creamy vanilla-and-gas smoke demands you stay present.

And with its Northern California origin and its heady indica blend, your chakras will most certainly be aligned.

Light Up Your Life

Why set a resolution that merely manages your spirit? Let's feed it! For the worry-warts in our company, this time of year and our homegrown medicine may help initiate a period of adventure-taking and fun-having!

There's a reason why renowned American cosmologist Carl Sagan used cannabis throughout his life; he recounted manifold ways in which it helped stir and develop his senses, and provided insight into the creative processes (both organic and social) surrounding him. 

Research into the experience of "awe and leisure" via outdoor activity may continue to stretch into the terrain of the cannabis-supported lifestyle, which, as Sagan wrote, often yields an "extraordinarily moving and beautiful experience." 

Scouring the scenery with Kiva’s El Camino Real-inspired gummies is convenient and deliciously effective. The sweet watermelon-lemonade flavor meant to put you in the “California State of Mind” will make a poet out of you.

Clipping Coupons or Trimming Bud

We get it: while 2023 has thankfully edged us further away from the most acute stresses of recent years, it's also coincided with rising costs across every industry. 

Luckily, setting yourself up for success with stronger budgeting in the new year does not have to cut into your precious allotment for flower!

Diversifying the means of ingesting cannabis may help your wallet in the long run. Additionally, communicating your needs and concerns with budtenders–including your personal budget–is good consumer practice. 

One helpful adjustment is to consider buying flower in bulk (and be sure to store it in air-tight containers to ensure peak freshness)!

Stock up on Humo's Fresas con Crema, a cerebral, affordable strain that you can enjoy while balancing the books.

Need a New Hobby? 

Feeling stale regarding your current interests? Why not take advantage of the dynamic cannabis industry and build new hobbies beyond simply smoking? 

Sure, we have astrology charts to understand our past, present, and future but have you looked into your favorite terpene profile and what it might say about your vested cannabis tastes?

Terpenes are the compounds which give different strains of flower distinctive tastes and aromas and are developed in growth via light exposure. 

They are also crucial in determining what effect the strain will have. For example, myrcene, which is a very common terpene, may support anti-inflammation and pain management.

We each have unique endocannabinoid receptors in our bodies, so take a whiff next time you enjoy some sticky icky and you may glean what best-suited terpene profile may be! 

Caliva's Big Apple Kush is rich in terpenes Limonene and Caryophyllene: a perfect marriage of euphoria and chillness.

Keep Rockin' in the New Year

Whether you become jacked, a guru, or an artist this year, we hope you enjoy yourself and stay high! 


Celia Lopez is a writer and native Southern Californian who currently lives in New York. She misses the sunshine but loves the mood.

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